
Tell stories. Relive those magical moments. With your Live Photos and videos.

It's Social

Convert Live Photos into animated GIFs and videos to share with family and friends on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Mix & Match

Combine a collection of Live Photos and videos into animated collage of GIFs or videos. It is the perfect way to tell a story.

Find That Moment

You can try finding that perfect Live Photo one at a time, or you can find that special moment easily at one glance when all of your Live Photos animate at once.

Watch Them Come Alive

The best way to view your Live Photos? While they're all moving, of course. It's the best way to relive those magical moments in life.

Works On Your Videos, Too

Still waiting for your new phone? Even if you don't have Live Photos, Alive can make GIFs and collages out of your videos too.

Clean Up, Slim Down

That boring signboard doesn't need to be alive, and shouldn't take up any more space than it needs. Save up on storage by converting Live Photos into still photos. And all at once, too.

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